Membership is open to just, upright, and free men, of mature age (min. 21 years), sound judgment and strict morals.
The essential qualification for admission into and continuing membership is a belief in a Supreme Being. This implies an integral endeavour to develop oneself morally. This is the reason why Freemasonry is not only considered to be a system of morality, but a peculiar system of morality.
Interested applicants and brethren from other lodges can use the Contact page on this website to get in touch with us. The process of joining our lodge include a personal interview with you and your significant other, where you would get the opportunity to ask questions and get a deeper insight into what joining the lodge would mean for you personally.
Certain (affordable) expenses are associated with membership of a lodge. There are fees for yearly membership and passing between the three degrees. The dress code at a lodge meeting is a dark evening suite, white shirt, dark tie and white gloves. If you are not already in possession of such clothing, the cost of this should be taken into account. Precise costs are communicated upon request.
At every meeting there is collection to the charity fund, each individual decides for himself how much he wants to contribute. There is also the option of attending the festive board, a modest meal held according to ancient masonic custom after the actual lodge meeting.
Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 850 - Smallegade 33 - 2000 Frederiksberg